박기철 교수의 '일상 속 기획창의학' (에필로그)기획과 창의라기보다 기획창의에 관한 책

박기철 승인 2021.01.24 13:43 | 최종 수정 2021.01.24 13:51 의견 0

This book is not about planning and creativity, but about planning creative. Planning creative is the first word and concept proposed in this book. If you are good at planning creative you will be attracted differently. It is a book about planning and creativity in everyday life rather than in jobs such as marketing, advertising and promotion. So the title of the book is Planning Creative in Daily Life. Rather than theoretically explaining how to do planning creative, the book proves it empirically by talking vividly in everyday life 365 days a year. If you read this book, you will hear how to create and plan your life in a transitional way from an ecological perspective, not for an opportunistic aims. I hope that readers will be motivated and able to practice it. That's the meaning, reason, and value of this book's existence.

<경성대 광고홍보학과 교수>

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